What comfort is mine, what joy so divine
No matter the trials I see
Though the path seems drear, with many tears
Christ is a dear friend to me
He comforts my heart, right from the start
And keeps me the whole night long
Sickness, and sadness, joy and gladness
Though all around me seem wrong
I cry in the test, and rest on His breast
Knowing His will is best
His comfort so dear, among all my tears
Gives me the chance to rest
I am safe and secure, of this I am sure
No matter how rough it may be
He will not leave nor fail. His will must prevail
So resting in Him I will be.
- Raych Bourque
Four Hundred Year of the KJV
Too Busy?
I heard His voice to change my ways
But I've too much to do these days.
My prayers are said, my reading done
But my life does not show God's son.
With work, and life, and all to do
How can I wash my heart anew?
I've only got so little time
And some of it must be mine.
But how can I? for 'tis not mine
My life, and all truly is Thine
I must take time, for now I see
God's special Son took time for me.
You gave Your life to set me free
Lord, should I not give mine for Thee?
Help me through all the business
Give You the first, not just the rest.
- Raych Bourque
But I've too much to do these days.
My prayers are said, my reading done
But my life does not show God's son.
With work, and life, and all to do
How can I wash my heart anew?
I've only got so little time
And some of it must be mine.
But how can I? for 'tis not mine
My life, and all truly is Thine
I must take time, for now I see
God's special Son took time for me.
You gave Your life to set me free
Lord, should I not give mine for Thee?
Help me through all the business
Give You the first, not just the rest.
- Raych Bourque